I don't know if this restores my sanity, or increases my insanity, but here's what I routinely do to occupy my time as of this moment:
  • Work
  • Play classical piano
  • Read - a lot of James Rollins books currently, adventure/intrigue fiction
  • Informal target shooting - previously mostly handgun, but now getting into long range rifle, and expanding from handgun reloading to precision rifle reloading
  • Computer - Linux administration, media servers, wasting time surfing the internet, also toying with a Raspberry Pi at the moment (creating my own "NextCloud" server for the family)
  • Studying for ham radio license
  • Building a portable shooting table
  • Going to classical symphony concerts
  • Enjoying the hot tub on cold evenings

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten out hiking lately. Or fishing. Now that Spring weather is here/approaching, that will change.