I am with Wildman, in that I generally leave everything in my pants until the next morning, lay out my fresh underclothes at the ready and casual socks and shoes at the ready. If I am wearing suits, my jeans are the ones prepped for emergency egress. No big deal to dump my suit stuff in the pockets.

I always get 2 key cards. One goes in the wallet, one goes in the pocket. If the hotel is one where the card has to be in the slot for the HVAC, etc. to work, I get a 3rd card and leave it there.

Beyond that, my computer case is ready to go at all times, all I need to do is pull the computer and charger off the desk and slip it in there. That case has most everything I "need" vs. nice to have stuff.

In colder weather, jacket/coat, etc. on a chair or over my case on the way out with gloves and windproof/waterproof knit cap in pockets. Standing outside in the cold is not something this desert rat ever wants to deal with.
Doug Ritter
Equipped To SurviveŽ
Chairman & Executive Director
Equipped To Survive Foundation