Predicted earthquake? Well, I would probably make sure all my rechargeable tool batteries are charged. I would probably have to do some home repair. I would likely buy some OSB, 2x4s, extra tarps, cordage, and nails/screws. Also, lots of 13-gallon garbage bags.

Tsunami? I would pack as much stuff as I could into the largest rental truck I could find and get the HOOD. I probably wouldn't be living in a tsunami zone anyway. I am not that enamored with oceanfront areas.

EMP? - More batteries for something?

Meteor? A cold beer and wait for the extinction. Pretty much the same thing I did when I was stationed a military base that was very high on the Soviet target list for dropping a nuke. There really isn't much you can do.

Edited by MoBOB (01/13/17 06:37 PM)
"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor