What is the easiest/simplest way for a person to find their GPS coordinates and copy it for insertion into a text message if using an Android phone?
By easy/simple I'm thinking with the least learning and highest likelihood of success when tired or slightly paniced.
Also, what format do you feel is easiet for potential rescuers (both neighbors and professionals) to use?
How might a typical neighbor use the coordinates to find the boy?
Method 1:
Find your location:
*Open Google Maps
*Press the My Locations bullseye to find where you are on the map
*Zoom in on the map ashowing much as possible
*Press and hold the map as close to your location and a possible and a flag will pop up
*In the search box will be your location
*Copy and paste it into a text
To convert the Latitude and longitude into a map location:
Copy the text information into the Google Maps search box and press search.