0 to 10 Minutes
Each person has a "go" bag with flashlights, clothing, toiletries, rain gear, etc. always packed. This takes only the time to get it to the car.
There's also a Family Go bag (a big duffel) with other stuff (food, water, tools, batteries, radio, additional chargers/charging cables, additional toiletries, sanitation supplies, some other useful stuff). This also takes only the time required to get it to the car.
There's stuff in every car already, always - ratchet straps, flashlight and batteries, first air kits, etc.
10-30 Minutes
+meds (just sweep the whole darn shelf into a bag)
+more water (already stored in 1 gallon containers in basement)
+spackle bucket and tall kitchen trash bags. (toilet)
+laptops & chargers
+backup USB disks (there's one for everyone's computer)
+sleeping bags & pads, extra blankets.
+important documents from fire safe
+Baofeng UV-82 radio kit
30-45 Minutes
+selected photo albums/books
+selected personal memorabilia
+cats in cat carriers/cat food
45-60 Minutes
+washer fluid for car (extra gallon)
+2.5 gallon gas can (always filled with constantly rotated stock)
+battery pack (jumper box, stored on charge always)
+rope (100')
+chain saw/fuel/oil (I built a tool box that holds everything I need for a chainsaw)