Thanks for all the replies guys and reminding me why I like this forum so much, even those of you who disagree with me (and probably think I'm nuts) are able to offer a well reasoned argument for their position.
To clear up a few things;
1) I paid £5 for a refurbished device and even a cheap smartphone or tablet is about 8-10 times the price over here in the UK.
2) Battery packs are readily available on ebay for about £10 either for the standard or extended types, this is something I looked into before I bought it.
3) I often repair and service my own computers and I do not like how the modern devices are not that easy to service, the PDA has a pretty rugged case.
I hope I didn't come across as snarky with these points but the simple fact is I have been looking for a device of this type long time that was both cheap and user serviceable with out expensive equipment.
@ dougwalkabout I had heard about the Palmtop sites but have not found one covering the Dell axim, could you please point out any of the good palmtop sites?