No, -I'm Good Ole, Pure American English. In Language, and a Lot of my Personal Identification and Outlook. I'm of both Irish and Bavarian German Extraction, -with even a Small Amount of Native American Indian in me, -of which I'm kind of particularly Proud!

Found this out only about Two Years ago. I Know Not yet of What Tribe(s). Its Small though, -on the Order of 6 % or so. This has been Found and is Backed by both Standard Geneological Research, and a Basic DNA Test.

My Indian Side could Figure into my Great, Longstanding, and Special Love of the (Truly So Very) Great Outdoors! But I Like to Think I so Have it About me anyway! Even if I wouldn't have an Ounce of Native American Indian in me!

But No, -I am Not Persian / Iranian, Nor of some Other "Non-English Origined", Culture or Language. (Excepting my Euro-Indian).

I can See how the "Reza" in my Username could suggest Iranian. But it is Simply Not the Case!

I Simply Like the Name a Good Deal! This Iranian / Mideastern Name.

Its Not my Real Name, BTW. Nor is "Scott" or "Logan" Together they are just my Username here.

I've Mentioned my Identifying with and Admiring the Shah (In All his Many Positive Aspects), in a recent Post. Iranian he Happens to be. So this is One Reason I've Chosen it as Part of my Username. But Not the Only One.

For I just happen to Like and Identify with the Name Anyway! This Middle Eastern Guy's Name.

I like to Pronounce it as both (Reeza, -Rhyming with "Squeeze Ya"), and as (Rayza). Either Way Does Fine with me!

"Scott" is simply Long my Very Favorite Guy's First Name. I Think it Very Well and Closest, Describes the Real Me! And is the Guy's First Name I would Prefer to Have! If I could have Chosen at Birth, or Otherwise have my Druthers about it!

And it has to be "Scott" with Two T's! As the Name Usually and Conventionally is. "Scot" with only One "T", -would be Flat and Anticlimactic! And Not the Real Me! (Though "Scot" is Perfectly Fine for Positively Denoting the Scots and Things Scottish!).

And "Logan" is just by Far, -my Favorite Surname! It's a Very Outdoorsy Name! And I Feel and Know Myself to be Such a Very Outdoorsy Person! It Begins with an "L", -one of my Very Favorite Letters!

(My Top 5 are L / R / J / S / and M, -in that Descending Order. Though "L" and "R" are Co-Placing Number One Toss Ups, and "S" and "M" are Perhaps Co-Ranking Toss Ups too!).

(I See "R" as a Medium Briteish "Green" Letter, -and "L" as a Medium Brite "Yellow" Letter! Though I am Not particularly Synesthetic!).

It, "Logan", -Neatly has 5 Letters to it, -as does "Scott". It Too is a / the Surname that I would Preferentially Like to Have!

By and Large, -We're Usually Stuck with the Name we're Born With, -Like it or No! Its Often a "Family Passdown" Matter too! I Duly Respect That!

But Some Day, -when more Financially Able, -I'm Looking at Legally Changing my Name! To One that *Is* Sufficiently Me! It Won't Neccessarily be my Username.

I Personally Dislike Two of my Actual, Given Names, -and the Other One is Pretty Much just a So So One for me.

But "ScottRezaLogan" is Not my Actual Name, -but Only my Username here. And I'm Not "Iranian", Nor of Many Other "Foreign" Extraction. The "Reza" of it has Nothing to Do with Possibly, -from your View, -of my being Iranian. <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I Have Gotten Bitten by the Language Bug!, a Number of years ago.

Before then for Most of my Life, my Attitude toward Foreign Languages was, -"Foreign Languages, -Nice, -But English is Good Enough for me!" -With the Exception of my Long Beloved Spanish. But that too was Vastly on Inactive Status.

I am Seriously and Enjoyably Self Teaching myself a Number of them! Its a Labor of Love!, -and I Do Soak Them Up like a Sponge!

Its Both a Love and a Strong Suit, on the One Hand, -and an Income Oppurtunity and Marketable Skill on Another, -at One and the Same Time! I'm Looking at Getting Established in Such, in an Intermediate if Not Immeadiate Future. It's One of Those "I Think I Can Do This!", Kind of Things in Life! This is One Area I Aim to Set Roots Down Into!

It can of course have Great Survival and Preparedness Applications as well! It can so Come In Mighty Helpful and Handy! Regarding Survival and Getting Out of Tight Spots! And Getting Valuable Help and Information from the Locals and so on! Prices can Go Down in the Local Marketplace, Etc! Plus the Real, Quality Interaction with Such Locals, as Some have Mentioned. We Can Find Ourselves Stranded Anywhere in the World! And a Majority of that World Out There!, -Does Not Understand or Speak our own English!

So this Figures into Why I occassionally Touch on Foreign Languages and Linguistics, in some Posts. Including on their Great and Useful Applicability toward Survival!

Again, -Not Iranian here, -Nor a Natural Speaker of a "Non-English" Foreign Language! <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> [color:"black"] [/color] [email]gear_freak[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.