Be aware of having too much things can be a burden. Maintenance and keeping your knowledge about it up to date can take vast amount of time and money. I have seen this being an issue with personal equipment, but also emergency services that are unable to keep equipment ready and personnel trained to operate them.

In my opinion, needing a RV or trailer, mean you have too much stuff. Making harder choice of what to bring or not to bring and just make things fit in your vehicle. Look at what people that travel long distances carry and the choices they make. Long distance backpackers, bikepackers and biketourers are very good at making those choices and a good inspiration to see what you actually need. Adding a trailer adds a burden to your vehicle, making it less manoeuvrable, more prone failure and use more fuel.

In my situation it’s also cheaper to shrink my gear than to get a bigger vehicle or trailer. But vehicle costs might be different to you.