The various agencies and entities that took part in this large exercise have been compiling their After Action Reviews (AAR). Seattle Times has an interesting article:
Washington state's plan for megaquake 'grossly inadequate', study finds. The article has links to several of those AARs.
Everyone with half a brain realizes that the PNW is nowhere near ready for such a disaster. The good news is that we are getting a handle on where the biggest gaps are, and at least some steps are being made to mitigate those gaps.
Besides identifying weaknesses and strengths in preparations, these sort of exercises are invaluable in giving staff from various agencies a chance to work together. These previous interpersonal contacts have been proven to be very helpful when real deal events, both large and small, happen. You learn who the person is on the other end of the comms link, and something about what their organization can do and how they do it.