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#281093 - 06/16/16 02:47 PM A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack!
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
There's been a death in the family, so I am getting on a plane in a few days and heading to Saskatoon. I've got two considerations that I could use your help with. First, I am a bit of a nervous flyer so I want to bring some preps with me on the flight, and secondly, I want to go for a day hike while I'm out there and need to feel prepared for that.

It's been a long time since I've flown, and I'm not sure what's TSA approved or not anymore. I suspect I'll have a checked bag, but would prefer to go with just a carry on. I will be carrying my EDC purse, but realize that I'll have to make some adjustments to it, like removing my sharps and lighter. (Here's a little video showing the usual purse contents. I plan to buy a new knife and BIC after the flight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjmIU6SlepQ. Skip to 2:18 to miss the babbling mom stuff.)

Despite being in the prairies, Saskatchewan has a wealth of lakes and trails, and I'm hoping to sneak out for a hike at some point while I'm out there.

So, how to be prepared for this trip? Can you help me pack my bag? Here's what I'm thinking of in terms of my purse, which will double as my day hike bag for this trip. I'll have a jacket and some sweater of some sort with me, and plan to wear my hiking boots, so I will be dressed appropriately for the weather and adventure.


Wallet (cash, coins, bank cards, ID, emerg contact info, local relatives contact info, etc.)
flashlight/headlamp + extra batteries
signal mirror
Kleen Kanteen + MicroPUR tabs
metal cup/cook pot
1L platypus
ferro rod
Heat Sheets X 2
paracord + jute twine
fleece beanie
silk liner gloves
baby wipes
emergency poncho
extra pair of socks
chemical body/hand warmers
Hard case with prescription glasses, clip-on sunglasses and mini screwdriver
duct tape
pen, Sharpie, pencil
note pad
deck of cards
hair elastic
ziplock bags
garbage bags
clif bar/candy/instant drinks
Esbit stove and fuel tabs (Not sure if Esbit tabs are TSA approved)
compass and map case *Maps will be picked-out when I'm out there, but I am researching ahead of time, and will bring a something with me.
Camera, memory cards, charging cables

cough drops
lip balm
bug juice
prep pads
pads and tampons
plastic gloves
OTC meds (Advil/Aleve, Tylenol, gravol, benedryl, immodium)
SOL mini fishing kit + safety pins
hard candy/sugar

AS I said, I'll purchase a knife and lighter once I am on the ground. Ditto local trail maps. I also don't have a cel phone or PLB of any sort at the moment, but I think they are vital for this trip. A cheap pay as you go cel phone is going to be purchased in a few days, once I'm certain of which carrier is best for use out there.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

EDIT to add: Additionally, I will use a backpack for my carry-on, which I can then use on my hike to carry my purse, as well as extra water, jacket, sweater, bug spray, sunscreen, etc... And, not knowing the weather patterns out there, I plan to wear layered clothes, and leave enough room in the pack to stuff them in there if I get too hot and sweaty. wink I also always have a hat and sunglasses with me, usually on the old noggin.

Edited by bacpacjac (06/16/16 03:24 PM)
Mom & Adventurer

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#281094 - 06/16/16 03:38 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
I'm going for a few days, and there is a funeral, so the above isn't all I'm taking. (Not to mention that I have to consider the forest fires out West. I'm also thinking about being stuck in a bigger emergency.)

I will be packing a good book, hygiene kit, extra clothes, an MP3/FM radio, extra flashlight and batteries, laptop, food & drink for a couple of days (dehydrated and instant.) I'm also going to try to pack my poncho and woobie. wink
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281095 - 06/16/16 03:53 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bws48 Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 08/18/07
Posts: 831
Loc: Anne Arundel County, Maryland
So sorry about the family bereavement.

First, a really silly question. It appears that your flight will be strictly in Canada, so, do domestic Canadian flights observe USA TSA rules?

If TSA applies, here is a site the TSA has with lists for various items: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/prohibited-items. I took a quick look at your video, and the only things I noted was the stove---anything flammable might be a problem, e.g. the esbit tabs, and leatherman and SAK. Remember, liquids, including creams and gels and pastes have their own limits. Another helpful site: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/liquids-rule

Also, airlines have their own restrictions, so check with them, in particular size/weight for carry on and checked bags. These do vary with airline and type of aircraft and ticket class.
"Better is the enemy of good enough."

#281096 - 06/16/16 04:00 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bws48]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Thanks bws48! A lot of our domestic flights fly over the US so the TSA rules may apply. I don't really know, but I'd hate to arrive for the flight and have to start dumping stuff.

Great advice! I really appreciate it!!
Mom & Adventurer

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#281097 - 06/16/16 04:10 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Hanscom Offline

Registered: 11/23/05
Posts: 86
There are a number of bladeless multitools available, but I would not bet on being allowed to take one aboard. Perhaps if you get a screener who has been authorized to think, but....

Bladeless Leatherman Rebar: http://www.leatherman.com/knifeless-rebar-465.html#start=23

#281098 - 06/16/16 04:22 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
dougwalkabout Offline
Crazy Canuck
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 02/03/07
Posts: 3228
Loc: Alberta, Canada
Start with the official Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) website.

The comprehensive list of items allowed and prohibited is here: http://www.catsa.gc.ca/complete-item-list

A search function is provided here: http://www.catsa.gc.ca/whatcanIbring

I don't like flying either. Mostly, though, it's clothing and footwear that will get you off the plane in one piece.

Provided you stay below the maximum length (described on the site), you are allowed to bring paramedic shears and small needle-nose pliers in your carry-on. I have also carried a braided wire saw, though not recently. One Bic lighter is permitted.

Ferro rods are sometimes confiscated (some screeners are unclear on the rules, probably because some ferro's have a sharp metal striker).

Ditch the esbit stove and fuel tabs.

Bug juice will be part of your maximum liquids allowed.

I strongly suggest putting any "items of interest" in a ziploc bag and placing it separately in the tray. This speeds up screening immensely. Otherwise they have to dig through your entire bag.

P.S., Sorry for your loss.

Edited by dougwalkabout (06/16/16 04:33 PM)

#281099 - 06/16/16 05:06 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: dougwalkabout]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Thanks so much, Doug. This is super helpful. Much appreciated!
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281100 - 06/16/16 05:23 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
gonewiththewind Offline

Registered: 10/14/08
Posts: 1517
Condolences BPJ. Travel Safe.

EMT shears have always been allowed on a plane in my experience, but check to make sure.

#281101 - 06/16/16 05:45 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Bingley Offline

Registered: 02/27/08
Posts: 1577
Perhaps you can have the Esbit stove (check the rules!), but fuel of any sort is definitely no-no for carry-on. After you arrive at your destination, perhaps you can head to an outdoor shop and get a Mora and some fuel tablets.

The ziplock bag is a great idea.

You should be able to take on board with you a knife-less multitool. I recommend that you open all the tools like an octopus for inspection. You may still have to explain there is no knife and thus is permissible.

Also, check the local law at your destination about carrying a knife.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

#281102 - 06/16/16 06:22 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
dougwalkabout Offline
Crazy Canuck
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 02/03/07
Posts: 3228
Loc: Alberta, Canada
Re knife source:

I see there is now a Peavey Mart (a Western Canadian country hardware store chain) in Saskatoon, close to the airport.

They usually carry the basic carbon-steel Mora for $9.99 + tax. Best deal around. You could even call ahead to check stock.

#281103 - 06/16/16 06:22 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
TeacherRO Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 03/11/05
Posts: 2574
I'd drop the stove and cookpot. You may carry a lighter on board, last I checked.

#281104 - 06/16/16 07:22 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
gonewiththewind Offline

Registered: 10/14/08
Posts: 1517
Matches as well, as long as they are not the "strike anywhere" kind.

#281105 - 06/16/16 07:49 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Mark_R Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 05/29/10
Posts: 863
Loc: Southern California
Here are the things that TSA might give you trouble over

*1L platypus (must be empty at the checkpoint)
*Ferro rod - Scraper may be confiscated as knife, and ferro rod may/may not make it through as it's a potential fire hazard. One conventional lighter (non-torch) or one book of safety matches is OK. You could probably get waterproof matches through, but the big lifeboat are probably prohibited.
*Chemical body/hand warmers - May be confiscated as potential fire hazard. Probably viewed in same light as sterno cans.
*Hard case with prescription glasses, clip-on sunglasses and mini screwdriver - screwdriver = pointy object. Just because it's allowed in the rules, doesn't mean it'll make it past the checkpoint. The smurfs confiscated my Wife's embroidery scissors (3" overall all length) because they had a point, but let nearly foot long knitting needles through.
*Esbit stove and fuel tabs (Not sure if Esbit tabs are TSA approved) - Tabs are potential fire hazard. Definite no go. Stove, if used, may be prohibited because of fear of tab residue
*SOL mini fishing kit + safety pins - Fishing hooks = potential weapon depending on size.
*Bug spray, sunscreen - Subject to TSA 3-1-1 liquids policy

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane

#281106 - 06/16/16 08:07 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Teslinhiker Offline

Registered: 12/14/09
Posts: 1419
Loc: Nothern Ontario

As your are on a flight originating in Canada, TSA screening procedures do not apply, regardless if your flight overflies part of the USA.

catsa.gc.ca has their own specified lists which also specifically says: The above list includes permitted and non-permitted items for flights originating in Canada.

Complete list of allowed /banned items: What can I bring list

You should contact them directly if you have any questions. In the past, I have found them very friendly and helpful in answering any questions on items that may be prohibited.

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock

#281108 - 06/16/16 09:47 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
You guys are the best! Thank you so much!!

That CATSA list gave me some relief. BIC/Zippo, matches, scissors, nail files, nail clippers, bug spray and sunscreen are allowed, and have been added to my kit. Paramedic shears/penny cutters seem to comply too, so I've added a pair of those too. smile

I had some "Ug!" moments. Absolutely no knives or Esbit tabs, and "Flints" are not allowed either, which I take to mean no ferro rods. All have been removed from my kit. I can pick-up something up once I'm on the ground to replace these.

It also gave me some giggles. Did you know that you can't take bombs or contraband on domestic flights?! I could take my hockey skates on my carry-on if I wanted to though. LOL

Teacher, I agree about the cook pot. It's not necessary for this trip. I'm not planning to cook on my hike, and my metal water bottle will do the trick for making water potable or for a little brew up. If there's a local emergency of some sort, I will be staying with relatives so could easily grab a pot, and more, if we have to relocate. smile
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281111 - 06/16/16 09:59 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
On another note: If anyone is familiar with Saskatoon trails, I'd love a recommendation for a short loop day hike. smile
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281112 - 06/16/16 10:02 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
wildman800 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 11/09/06
Posts: 2847
Loc: La-USA
I do know from experience that P38 can openers are allowed. I carry 1 in my wallet and have not had any problems with the TSA!

If you don't have one, PM me ane we will mail you some ASAP! I'll even tell why I keep so many on hand!

Edited by wildman800 (06/16/16 10:03 PM)
The best luck is what you make yourself!

#281113 - 06/16/16 10:06 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Mark_R]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Mark_R
Here are the things that TSA might give you trouble over

*1L platypus (must be empty at the checkpoint)

- I can carry-on 100 mL, which is probably what I'll do, in my KK. The platypus stay folding up empty in my purse for emergency use with microPUR tabs.

*Ferro rod - Scraper may be confiscated as knife, and ferro rod may/may not make it through as it's a potential fire hazard. One conventional lighter (non-torch) or one book of safety matches is OK. You could probably get waterproof matches through, but the big lifeboat are probably prohibited.

-You're right on both. I can carry a non-refillable disposable lighter and one book of safety matches, for personal use. I read it as a regular book of matches, so ditched my storm-proof matches and Ronson jet lighter and added a regular book of matches.

*Chemical body/hand warmers - May be confiscated as potential fire hazard. Probably viewed in same light as sterno cans.

-I hadn't considered this, and you are right. Thanks!

*Hard case with prescription glasses, clip-on sunglasses and mini screwdriver - screwdriver = pointy object. Just because it's allowed in the rules, doesn't mean it'll make it past the checkpoint. The smurfs confiscated my Wife's embroidery scissors (3" overall all length) because they had a point, but let nearly foot long knitting needles through.

-Doh! Better safe than sorry, so I took out the screwdriver.

*Esbit stove and fuel tabs (Not sure if Esbit tabs are TSA approved) - Tabs are potential fire hazard. Definite no go. Stove, if used, may be prohibited because of fear of tab residue

-Agreed. I ditched it all. I can make an alcohol stove when I'm there if I think I need one.

*SOL mini fishing kit + safety pins - Fishing hooks = potential weapon depending on size.

-I think I'm ok, but ditched it anyway, just to be sure.

*Bug spray, sunscreen - Subject to TSA 3-1-1 liquids policy

-Right again. Small containers are allowed, so have been added.


Much appreciated, one and all!!
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281114 - 06/16/16 10:12 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: wildman800]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: wildman800
I do know from experience that P38 can openers are allowed. I carry 1 in my wallet and have not had any problems with the TSA!

If you don't have one, PM me and we will mail you some ASAP! I'll even tell why I keep so many on hand!

Wicked! That would be cool, wildman! Why so many????

I had one once upon a time, but I think backpackboy took it and ditched it when he got frustrated with it trying to open a can of beans. I haven't seen it since that trip. LOL! I loved that little thing! Mine had a little spoon thingy on the end, thought I thought was the bomb! I used mine to scrape tinder. Not entirely without frustration, but it worked!!

I think I'm going pick-up a cheap multi-tool when I land, and shore it up with a nice little folder or neck knife. I can mail them back home to myself when I'm done, or gift them to my older nephews.
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281115 - 06/16/16 10:14 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: gonewiththewind]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Montanero
Matches as well, as long as they are not the "strike anywhere" kind.

The Canadian rules are similar. They say I can carry 1 book of safety matches on my person. Not sure what exactly that means, but I removed my storm-proof matches and added a book of matches out of an MRE.
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281116 - 06/16/16 10:20 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Hanscom]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Hanscom
There are a number of bladeless multitools available, but I would not bet on being allowed to take one aboard. Perhaps if you get a screener who has been authorized to think, but....

Bladeless Leatherman Rebar: http://www.leatherman.com/knifeless-rebar-465.html#start=23

I might have to get a divorce if I came home with one of those, Hanscom. LOL! I've added paramedic shears, and I'm probably going to buy a nice little folder or neck knife, as well as a cheap multi-tool, when I arrive. Nothing fancy, but a nice little blade and something with some screwdrivers, knife, saw, pliers, etc. I've got newphews who are Cubs & Scouts age, and it would be a fun addition to their kits when I'm done with them. Heck! Maybe I'd love to figure out a way to take them for a nature walk, too, while I'm there. wink
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281117 - 06/16/16 10:21 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: gonewiththewind]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Montanero
Condolences BPJ. Travel Safe.

EMT shears have always been allowed on a plane in my experience, but check to make sure.

Done. Thank you so much, Montanero! It's going to be a rough week. A little green therapy will help. wink
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281118 - 06/16/16 10:27 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: dougwalkabout]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: dougwalkabout
Re knife source:

I see there is now a Peavey Mart (a Western Canadian country hardware store chain) in Saskatoon, close to the airport.

They usually carry the basic carbon-steel Mora for $9.99 + tax. Best deal around. You could even call ahead to check stock.

You've just made me such a happy woman, Doug! Thank you so much! Moras are hard to come by around here, and I'd love another one! I sense a little shopping spree coming on when my flights lands. In fact, I think I'll call them tonight! laugh
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281119 - 06/16/16 10:28 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Bingley]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Bingley
Perhaps you can have the Esbit stove (check the rules!), but fuel of any sort is definitely no-no for carry-on. After you arrive at your destination, perhaps you can head to an outdoor shop and get a Mora and some fuel tablets.

The ziplock bag is a great idea.

You should be able to take on board with you a knife-less multitool. I recommend that you open all the tools like an octopus for inspection. You may still have to explain there is no knife and thus is permissible.

Also, check the local law at your destination about carrying a knife.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Great advice, Bingley. I'll be following all of it. Thanks so much!
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281122 - 06/17/16 01:52 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Roarmeister Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 09/12/01
Posts: 960
Loc: Saskatchewan, Canada
TSA rules don't apply but because airlines fly all over the place, most countries have commonized their own rules to be very similar to the US.

I've travelled with ferro rods and tinder-quiks all the time in Canada and never even been questioned on them. Even if they did spot them and remove them from my gear, I have plenty more.

I pack a small 5oz. FAK and a modified DR AMK 4oz. survival kit in my day pack. I take out the sharps (usually! the last time out I had forgotten the scalpel blade and safety pins in there and they still passed). You can carry a Bic style lighter but not a refillable one. You can carry 1 book of matches. Charcoal hand warmers are out.

Pots and wood stoves shouldn't be a problem, ever. Anything with a chemical or alcohol smell though is another story. You make alcohol stoves at your destination and buy alcohol (methyl hydrate) from Canadian Tire, Peavey Mart, etc. This is summer time. You can check fire hazards maps here: Fire Map and SaskParks can tell you about any local fire restrictions. Sask Provincial Parks Occasionally they will have open fire restrictions.

For some reason, I always get selected for additional screening (supposed to be random 1 out of every 10 passengers) and opt for the pat down instead of the "i see you neked" x-ray viewer. YMMV.

Wanuskewin Heritage Park on the edge of the city is a must visit. Wanuskewin
Check out this website for dayhikes in the Saskatoon area: Sask Hiker
A local blogger put together a neat data base of hiking trails and fishing spots: Andy Goodson; His Blog

Knives shouldn't be a problem for hiking. I EDC a Sypderco Tenacious and is visible on my pants. However, you don't want to carry a camping style knife on the street. The local community is antsy about knives because the Indian gangs carry everything from switchblades to cheap machetes and have passed by-laws against such. They are already illegal but what the heck - passing a law to make them 2x illegal makes some people feel safer. There is no length limit in Canada, cops have told me several times but local by-laws are different.

#281123 - 06/17/16 02:14 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Roarmeister]
Russ Offline

Registered: 06/02/06
Posts: 5357
IIRC scissors are in general good to go. I really like EMT shears but I prefer to EDC Foldaway Scissors. Drop them in your pocket and don't worry about the points or edges. If you need scissors they open quickly. Good scissors too.

#281124 - 06/17/16 02:35 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Roarmeister]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Thanks so much, Roar. You ROCK!! I was hoping you'd chime in with some good local tips! Much appreciated!

I was just reading about Wanuskewin Heritage Park and it sounds like a must see. The last time I was in SK, I heard about it but I didn't have time to visit. I'm working in an extra day on this trip and I think this is going to be at the top of my list of things I want to do with it. wink
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281125 - 06/17/16 02:37 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Russ]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Russ
IIRC scissors are in general good to go. I really like EMT shears but I prefer to EDC Foldaway Scissors. Drop them in your pocket and don't worry about the points or edges. If you need scissors they open quickly. Good scissors too.

I have a pair similar to those in a little sewing kit that lives in my hygiene kit, Russ. smile Thanks for the reminder!
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281129 - 06/17/16 11:49 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
gonewiththewind Offline

Registered: 10/14/08
Posts: 1517
The pointed scissors are probably not a good idea. They may make it through, but if they are hand checked they will not. The TSA specifically prohibits anything that is pointed or sharp, leaving them much room for interpretation. I have had a TSA agent even try to poke his hand with my EMT shears, just to show himself that they were not too pointy.

I have also had a discussion about the UCO stormproof matches. They made it, but I had to show the agent that they required a striker pad to ignite.

As for tinder, cotton balls and petroleum jelly can go, but you may want to keep them unmixed for the flight. A small tube of jelly used for lips will make it easily enough.

I like small saws for survival kits, but the last time I flew I noticed they had banned all saws. They used to not be a problem. You may want to check.

#281130 - 06/17/16 12:20 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: gonewiththewind]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Thanks Montenaro! The last time I flew, the agent was quite concerned about my nail clippers with little nail file. (I didn't actually remember they were in my kit.) Same deal. Poke. Nope. Poke. Nope. Poke. Nope. "Hey John! I got another one. Come and check this out." Poke. Nope. Poke. Nope. Poke. Nope. "Ok, you can take it, but be more careful next time, ok?" "Thank you for keeping us same, ma'am."

It's a good thing I have a few days to pack! LOL! I am going to check a bag, so I can take a little more, but I don't want to risk losing the stuff in the bag, so I'm still planning on keeping key stuff in my carry-on.
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281132 - 06/17/16 12:28 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bws48 Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 08/18/07
Posts: 831
Loc: Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Rather than having to go on a shopping trip(s) on arrival, and since you have a couple of days, you might want to consider putting together a package of prohibited/questionable/other items and shipping it to your destination, and ship it back again prior to your return.

This may also allow you to travel with just a carry-on, and not have to deal with checked bag(s).
"Better is the enemy of good enough."

#281135 - 06/17/16 01:44 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bws48]
Dagny Offline

Registered: 11/25/08
Posts: 1918
Loc: Washington, DC
Originally Posted By: bws48
Rather than having to go on a shopping trip(s) on arrival, and since you have a couple of days, you might want to consider putting together a package of prohibited/questionable/other items and shipping it to your destination, and ship it back again prior to your return.

This may also allow you to travel with just a carry-on, and not have to deal with checked bag(s).

Ditto, bws48.

Twenty years ago, after one too many debacles with airlines and lost luggage, I got in the habit of Fed-Exing my luggage -- especially any must-haves. If you Fed Ex, then you don't have to buy gear at your destination. And throw in the FedEx box anything you would have checked-in at the airport that you absolutely must have at your destination.

Another advantage of Fed-Ex is that you can insure it for full value. Bonus: the airport is so much less hassle when you're only bringing carry-on.

Good luck with your journey and condolences on your loss.


#281141 - 06/17/16 06:42 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Dagny]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: Dagny
Originally Posted By: bws48
Rather than having to go on a shopping trip(s) on arrival, and since you have a couple of days, you might want to consider putting together a package of prohibited/questionable/other items and shipping it to your destination, and ship it back again prior to your return.

This may also allow you to travel with just a carry-on, and not have to deal with checked bag(s).

Ditto, bws48.

Twenty years ago, after one too many debacles with airlines and lost luggage, I got in the habit of Fed-Exing my luggage -- especially any must-haves. If you Fed Ex, then you don't have to buy gear at your destination. And throw in the FedEx box anything you would have checked-in at the airport that you absolutely must have at your destination.

Another advantage of Fed-Ex is that you can insure it for full value. Bonus: the airport is so much less hassle when you're only bringing carry-on.

Good luck with your journey and condolences on your loss.

Thank you both. Can you tell that I rarely travel by plane yet. shocked

I'm going with my mom, who is in her late 60s, with borderline diabetes, a wonky heart, failing eyesight and can't walk very far. We just confirmed our flights. We added two days to the trip for a little down-time, but we've got a connector through Edmonton (?!) on the trip out. And we're now staying in a motel instead of with relatives. That changes my plans a little bit.

After checking the Fed EX/UPS and Purolator prices, I'm going to check a bag with clothes and toiletries. I'm not going to check anything valuable, but am considering sending a knife and multi-tool ahead of time.

I want essential items in my carry-on in case my checked bag gets lost or delayed, and in case we somehow end up in a local emergency or stranded at the airport. I've got a backpack that meets the allowable dimensions, and I'm playing with packing it now. My modified EDC purse went in first, then I added:

-a GI canteen kit (empty, minus fuel tabs, plus 10 MicroPUR tabs)
-a packable light anorak jacket
-a rip-stop GI poncho
-silk sleeping bag liner
-a pair of socks, underwear, bra, shirt and pants
-travel sized deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, an a small bar of soap
-an extra package of baby wipes, a small bottle of Purelle and an extra bandana
-camera, extra memory cards and charging cables
-MP3 player/FM radio, head phones, speaker and charging cord
-my small laptop and charging cable
-2 granola bars, 1 MRE meal, 2 packs of instant oatmeal, 2 instant hot chocolates, 4 instant 2-in-1 coffees, 4 Emergeny C drinks, an MRE package of peanut butter, and 2 MRE condiment/utensil packs
-map case with boarding passes, ID, some print-outs local maps, compass, whistle and LED, all on a lanyard

Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281143 - 06/17/16 08:17 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bws48 Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 08/18/07
Posts: 831
Loc: Anne Arundel County, Maryland
If you do send something (by whatever means) include a self-addressed return envelope with what you send. Will make it easier sending it back to yourself.

And remember, that if you don't send anything and choose to buy locally, you will still need to send it back to yourself, or abandon it there. . .
"Better is the enemy of good enough."

#281147 - 06/17/16 10:22 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bws48]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted By: bws48
If you do send something (by whatever means) include a self-addressed return envelope with what you send. Will make it easier sending it back to yourself.

And remember, that if you don't send anything and choose to buy locally, you will still need to send it back to yourself, or abandon it there. . .

Thanks BWS! That's a good idea that I wouldn't have thought about. I'll probably hand them down to my two nephews before I leave. wink
Mom & Adventurer

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#281182 - 06/20/16 02:21 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Roarmeister Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 09/12/01
Posts: 960
Loc: Saskatchewan, Canada
Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
We just confirmed our flights. We added two days to the trip for a little down-time, but we've got a connector through Edmonton (?!) on the trip out. And we're now staying in a motel instead of with relatives. That changes my plans a little bit.

Yep, welcome to Saskatchewan! About half of the flights going to Toronto from here connect through either Calgary or Edmonton (WestJet or A/C) then east. We wave down at our homes as we fly back over them. A bit silly, but then again Calgary is WestJet's home so we play by their rules. At least they don't charge us more for the "privilege" of more air time.

#281183 - 06/20/16 03:55 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Roarmeister]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Only in Canada! LOL! I've actually never flown to or through Edmonton before!! Only over. wink I grew up a Gretzky and Oilers fan though, even in the heart of Leafs-Canadiens territory. And then I did a spell in Canuckville, and drank the Kool-aid there, but never so much as to let go of my beloved Gretzky Oilers. wink I'm going to get souvenirs. Maybe it'll spark something in my kids. wink I've driven through Ab, spent some time in Calgary a few times, but never been to the Edmonton Mall. God bless my parents, for skipping stuff they had no interest in doing with their kids. LOL!!!

Edited by bacpacjac (06/20/16 04:03 AM)
Mom & Adventurer

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#281185 - 06/20/16 09:53 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
Herman30 Offline

Registered: 08/08/06
Posts: 503
Loc: Finland
Originally Posted By: bacpacjac
I grew up a Gretzky and Oilers fan though,

Then you are surely familiar with my countryman Jari Kurri? smile

#281186 - 06/20/16 01:38 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: Herman30]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Kurri was one of the best! The two of them together was pure magic, Herman!
Mom & Adventurer

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#281187 - 06/20/16 07:28 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
dougwalkabout Offline
Crazy Canuck
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 02/03/07
Posts: 3228
Loc: Alberta, Canada
Depending on the runway, you'll be flying right past my house. Have the pilot dip the wings, will ya? grin

#281190 - 06/21/16 10:58 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: dougwalkabout]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
We'll do, Doug! I'll be waving in there too! smile
Mom & Adventurer

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#281247 - 07/06/16 09:57 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
We made it. Home safe and sound. The flights and the trip were uneventful, except for some turbulence taking off and landing in Toronto. Thanks for the help gang!!
Mom & Adventurer

You can find me on YouTube here:

#281249 - 07/06/16 11:34 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
wildman800 Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 11/09/06
Posts: 2847
Loc: La-USA
Welcome home Jacque!!!!
The best luck is what you make yourself!

#281312 - 07/12/16 05:22 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]

Registered: 02/03/07
Posts: 1853
looking forward to more local adventures!!

#281314 - 07/12/16 11:53 AM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Thanks guys!! Summer vacation is in full swing here, and that means lots of day adventures with the kiddos, and hopefully and campout or two. wink
Mom & Adventurer

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#281662 - 08/11/16 04:05 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
LCranston Offline

Registered: 08/31/09
Posts: 201
Loc: Nebraska
I have a new idea for the travel knife.

Gerber Superknife Edge, or Gerber EAB.

they both use a utility razor as the knife blade. I think the EAB is better LOOKING, but it takes a small screw to change blades, and the superknife does not.

So, but the knife at home, and take out the blade. No blade, nothing to confiscate.
Arrive at destination, go to any hardware store/walgreens/walmart and buy a utility blade. (Walwart $1.88 for 3 pack)

When going home, remove blade.

#281664 - 08/11/16 05:28 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: LCranston]
bacpacjac Offline
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 3601
Loc: Ontario, Canada
That's very smart! Thanks!
Mom & Adventurer

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#281665 - 08/11/16 06:10 PM Re: A Flight and a Hike - Please help me pack! [Re: bacpacjac]
unimogbert Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 08/10/06
Posts: 882
Loc: Colorado
If TSA is the same one where the inspector repeatedly asserted "I can't tell if this is empty!" about my mostly-empty but oversized toothpaste tube - this strategy might not work.

"I can't tell if this knife doesn't have a blade!"
And you are not allowed to explain it.

Auto parts stores often have really cheap knives for sale up near the checkout counter. Buy one there and throw it or give it away for the return flight.

Edited by unimogbert (08/11/16 06:11 PM)

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