Being in SOCAL and with the fuel available, I consider us to be in FireCon 5 now. That said, we most always meet the checklist requirement for FireCon 4. I'll jump to FireCon 3 when a fire starts up to the East.

At FireCon 3/2 (fires to the East w/ Santa Ana winds), I'll top off the fuel tank and start packing the truck for Evac. It will stay packed until the fire is controlled and no longer a threat.

We have reached FireCon 1 a few times and nearby communities have been evacuated. With the fire well to the East I could smell the smoke -- not pleasant. I watched neighbors bug-out and take the dog & kids to relatives for the duration without an evac order. It was a real quiet neighborhood for a few days. Just me and the local FD fireman who came home to get some rest. Just a few miles away it was anything but quiet.

Keep your SA up; pay attention to what is happening around you.