First, thanks to AKSR for his input and feedback on this thread. I really do not think that many people realize how different living in the far north is compared to living in the south and it never ceases to dismay me on this forum and others, the amount of uniformed arm chair quarterbacking that these types of survival stories bring forth.

Living in the north has nothing to do with social or economic status, how much groceries cost and lack of affordability for such southern luxuries such as PLB's. Instead, these people have lived in the harshest of harsh environments for thousands of years and even now, without many modern day luxuries. Do they make bad decisions, lose sight of their travel path and become lost? Yes they do and it is no different then anyone else living in more hospitable environments. However in terms of extreme environmental survivability, the people of the far north are much better prepared then others and this particular survival story is a good example. I can tell you that if I was in a real survival situation, I could not think of a better group of people to be with.
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

John Lubbock