Spin-doctoring and politicians over reacting are nothing new here.

"PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER."; we have tons of them here in the states.

Litigation; hells bells, I understand we have more lawyers than toilets in America, and the lawyers actuallly process more manure in paper form than the toilets do in bodily waste.

Criminal elements are practically a sub-culture in all age groups and I understand that we have more per capita people in jails than any other country.

We also have the NAACP, ACLU, AFL-CIO, AARP, NRA and many other strong organizations that press the demands of thier members.

I believe the best lesson in people politics can be learned from the Smith & Wesson fiasco. They became partners with the Bill Clinton administration in a little matter that did not affect the majority and catered to the fears of "sheeples". The result was a corporate destruction by common citizens which to my knowledge has not been done since the grape boycott by the United Farm Workers during Mr. Chavez's reign. The backlash against Smith & Wesson was so overwhelming that they backed out of thier agreement with the Clinton administration, sold the company to new owners (No more British company ties.) and apologized in print and press throughout the United States, and in the process caused one of the largest backlashes against Democrats in the United States.

It was in my mind, too little too late and personally, Smith & Wesson no longer exists as an option for me and !MILLIONS! of others. I buy TAURUS firearms if I want anything that resembles Smith & Wesson and I am very happy with the excellent quality and selection of TAURUS products.

You have to be willing to fight the Government officials as viciously as legally possible and show your displeasure by removing from governing positions anyone who displeases you. It takes committed individuals and not necessarily a large group to upset elected governments at the ballot box. The "PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER." will shy away from strength and you can destroy bad press by refusing to buy thier products and notifying those who advertise with them why you will not deal with them or thier advertisers. You can buy one paper and share it with 10 like thinking friends and reduce thier coverage by 90%. Since revenue is made by the advertisements which pay according to numbers of paid subscribers, you can cancel your subscriptions, buy from a vendor with cash and reduce the amount of income they earn because they can not show advertisers quarantied numbers of readers.

Commitment, strength, and legal deviousness is what counts, not just numbers of believers.

Good luck!

Bountyhunter <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

(P.S. If we can swing it, would you be willing to come over and jump up & down on the San Andreus fault line? We gotta do something about that British colony. <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> )