Doc, as I said, is retired. He does the big walk two to three times a week, weather allowing , with at least a rest day in-between. He doesn't do any other regular exercise routine. I still work full time. Before my recent injury, I was doing a barbell, Pilates, push-up, elliptical (35 min., up/ down hill ,2.75 mi.) gym workout, 1.5 -2 hr.s each, two or three times a week, schedule allowing. If I do the big walk, it is only on a weekend and it substitutes for my second or third workout. I forgot to mention that we do take 1 or 2, ~ 3 min. water/bathroom breaks.

There is a real element of danger in this walk. No, it's not from criminals or cars. It's from some, not all, of the bicyclists. Those ride two abreast or try to pass each other on the narrow, two-way walkway. Ugh! If only the Port Authority would open up the North walkway, at least on weekends and holidays. But, "yes" , on a clear day, the views, both North and South, are spectacular!

For me the toughest part of the walk is the 1/8mi., 350' ascent, especially on a hot day. We don't slow too much on that leg. At the top, I'm panting hard and my hips are screaming. I often take a crooknecked cane or a walking stick . It is good for relieving some of footfall impact ( back problems) and especially on hills and stairs. The forward " plant" of the stick and arm muscles, help in climbing. I'd probably take it slow for 5 min. after the ascent. But Doc is like the Ever Ready Bunny. I feel compelled to reach down down and carry-on. Doc was a surgeon and I do a lot of negotiations and appeallate court argument. So it's two old Type "A"s, competing with and complimenting each other.

Edited by acropolis5 (02/18/16 06:46 AM)