The Baltic Dry Index appears to have dropped another 25% in the last 2-3 weeks. Index is below 300. i.e. less than 1/3 the international shipping trade than in 1985 when their were 2-2.5 Billion less people on the planet earth and China was still largely an agrarian society and my family/Parents didn't have a telephone.
It would seem cash money would only bring forward a few days the inevitable accelerated economic collapse assuming inventories where normal if there was a grid down event (Black Start event)
For the USA More dead folks but much less bad language..when compared to the UK
For the UK there was another 2008 Bankster event this year we may well see substantial negative interest rates and Bail in's with perhaps the consequence of the banning of cash money to improve commercial bank liquidity as central Banksters find it increasing difficult to hold back the fiat currency Ponzie scheme from total collapse under the weight of the losses of the ever expanding Quadrillion Derivatives infinite rehypothecation bubble.
I might well just be away on the Canoe Trip during those eventful weeks in Loch Hourn.