Medical/extrication emergencies are rare and unlikely, but they do happen... just a couple from my personal experience.

at a scientific conference, giving info in a day long seminar in Washington DC on a project I was directing - heard a sound like a ripe watermelon hitting the floor - it was my #1 assistant, good friend, and confidante - in a grand mal seizure - something I knew was unprecedented in his medical history. Oddly enough, in a bunch of archaeologists, a RN beat me to his side. Incidentally, since he was unconscious, I was able to give a medical history to the responding MET, call his wife, etc.

My GF, halfway through a CPR course, was grocery shopping, and had to deal with a sudden loss of consciousness on the part of fellow shopper...What are the odds?

Out for a run, I witness an auto accident about a block away. Without breaking stride, I come running up to the vehicle. Once again, a RN beats me to the scene....

Perhaps the take away from all of this is - don't worry, there's always a RN lurking nearby and they can take charge..but I think you should be ready to step up to the plate when your number is called.
Geezer in Chief