Originally Posted By: Tom_L
The rods on mine are definitely diamond. It stated so on the package, too. Like this:

I don't doubt they exist and I believe you own some, but we were talking about what haertig owns/linked smile

Originally Posted By: Tom_L

Heavy pressure is definitely a problem. That said, I have a couple of heavily used DMT diamond stones, still perform "as new". The diamond side on my DC4 has lasted many years of regular use too, even though it's now showing wear.

I also bought several sets of cheap diamond files and no-name diamond stones and sharpening cards. With only one or two minor exceptions, all lost their "bite" within minutes of first remotely serious use. YMMV. smile

smile I don't doubt your experience.

My cheap diamonds are from harbor freight, 4 plate turnbox, they can be bought from $6 to $20,
I've damaged mine a little but they still have years of life left.
They definitely last more than minutes.

There are actually fake diamond stones/plates/cards made from diamond sandpaper (plastic) glued to a backing, those could be damaged easily going edge leading.