Got 10 of these packets.

The good:
They are as sturdy as I've expected, self healing slightly stretchy plastic in front is great - easy to stuff things tight, but the true wear and tear test is in progress (back pocket of the pants with some metal stuff inside of the pack), as I have some doubt in the side seams between 2 different plastics (on the front and on the back). The metal ring is good, but sits loosely - also needs some testing on a lanyard. Also I like that the plastic is softening a lot in hot water, so I was able to fold the top to my pocket size and the sharp enough crease persists in place nicely when cooled down.

The bad:
They are not waterproof, obviously leaking at the closure when the pressure inside builds up. Splash proof at max, as there is a lip similar to the one on DR PSK pouch. The quality is inconsistent: 5 packs are perfect, 5 of a different tint having permanent wrinkles (fixed to some extent by heating with hair drier and stretching over the cold stone of my countertop).

But for the price ($2.60), I think, I've got a good enough option to organize my pockets stuff holding it flat in place.

Update: forgot to try the vacuum packing, the zip-lock seal looks polarized, there is a chance I'm dealing with a manufacturing error (upside down installation).