[Craig wakes from his daydream with a start.]

Sorry folks, didn't mean to be rude. I was just thinking about my Quark123. This wonderful little tool fits comfortably in my jeans watch pocket yet I can go outside on the darkest knight and easily light up deer and other wildlife in my back yard out to 25 yards and more. I still marvel at that capability.

When I was a kid 50 years ago my grandfather showed me his pen light and told me he never goes out without it. As an adult I came to understand his wisdom. I use the flashlight nearly every day.

But to answer your question Dr. Ross, life is not about flashlights. My sister and I joke about them but they are so darn useful for every day situations. Frequently people ask to borrow mine. Why are they too lazy to carry one themselves? They are the ones with the problem.

Or is life really about flashlights after all? Or light anyway? Is not light the embodiment of all that is good? A light in the night is comforting, warding off evil. Dare I mention that Jesus was called the light of the world?

Of all the things one could be fascinated with surely light and goodness and safety and comfort can't be bad.

Besides, I can stop anytime I want to. Really I can...