on canoe trips i have several flash lights.a small LED on a
cord attached to my shirt pocket button hole.thats the light
to find a light.another is a Pal light,one of those 9 volt jobs
in a rubber case that runs with a dim glow even when off.that go's
in the net pouch in the tent where i keep my glasses and bear spray so i can find them fast in the dark.a head lamp of course and a $9 three AAA's by Dorcy that i got at a bait shop just before
i pushed off on a trip last year,oops thats four.that AAA job throws a better beam than the lamp i used 30 years ago with the
huge square battery.
oh ya there is the candle lamp and a small Gaz lamp.you never
have enough light alone in bear country!!!

Edited by CANOEDOGS (01/06/16 07:58 AM)