Originally Posted By: bws48
Don't know about your tastes/needs/preferences, but if you do not have one, I recommend the "Tinker." I have had one in my pocket for 30+ years and it has gotten near daily use for that time. It has all the basics and is small and light enough to go in a suit pants pocket. Has the following:

Large knife blade,
small knife blade,
Phillips screwdriver,
large screwdriver,
small screwdriver
Bottle opener,
can opener,
wire stripper,
3 1/2 inches long

Only missing a corkscrew, but I really don't need that in the US; if in France, you may want to add that to the list. . .

I carried the Tinker for years, and IMHO, the extra weight of the Super Tinker or the Climber with the scissors is worth it. I tend to go smaller myself preferring to budget the extra weight to a AAA light.
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The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane