I have a ton of SAK's but very few are pocket friendly, so they stay at home. ("Is that a SAK in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" shocked )

IMO, it's the magnificent saw that exponentially magnifies the power of a SAK. And solid ALOX handles give it the strength without being fat.

So, if I were in that store? I'd be looking for a solid alox handle of the Cadet size with blade and saw, not more than two blades thick. It's like a grown-up version of the "my first knife" series. I know these exist (or did) because I saw them on eBay a few years back. Word got around that there were dirty rotten shenanigans associated with this run so I backed off. But that's what I would actually carry, even in conjunction with a Leatherman, because it can do so much in such a small package.

BTW, you do realize that you must post more mouth-watering pics, don't you?