Hi Guys,<br><br>I've been reading a little about the US Military sleepingbag system with innerbag, outerbag and Goretex bivy sack.<br>Besides it being rather heavy as some people say, how does it perform does anyone use it ?<br><br>Is there some place to get one for an affordable price? in Holland an only a Goretex bivy bag will set you back between $180 and $300, not to mention the prices we can pay for a mummy style sleepingbag, up to and over $400.<br><br>With these figures, weight for me is less important then $$ as I'm not carrying that thing for months on my back but often take the car to were our scouts camp etc.<br><br>Any info, suggestions, tips, places where to get one "cheap" are welcome.<br><br>In Holland the militarty use the Nato sleepingbag which also has a Goretex bivy sack but only consists of one sleeping bag and inner cotton detachable liner so you don't mess up the bag itself with your dirty socks/boots wink . It comes with a cammo compression sack.<br><br>Still the 2 bags principle appeals to me.<br><br>Best Scouting wishes from Holland,<br><br>Bagheera<br>