When I travel on airlines, I always wear a (dress) sport coat, usually the common blue Blazer. I like the extra pockets it gives me; more space to carry things which is always useful. Some brands are designed for travel, with even more pockets. Also, I have found that this simple garment seems to, how to say it, put me in a different group than many of the other travelers, and get me better service. At least so it seems. (And a Tie helps also.)
So I stuff my coat's pockets with all sort of useful things and don't have to put all that stuff in my already stuffed carry-on.
That's my approach exactly. By the way, the ScotteVest has several neat ultimate solutions for that. I have just purchased the sport coat on Cyber Monday from them ($50 less):
http://www.scottevest.com/v3_store/SeV-Sportcoat.shtml In the past, I have been traveling overseas wearing their Revolution system (fleece jacket zipping into the outer shell, 42 pockets total! All weather top clothing in one piece). At the TSA station you just take it off and put on the conveyor ignoring funny looks. On one of the trips I've been able to lighten my checked bag for almost 30 pounds (!) of various gadgets to avoid paying for overweight, and it felt like nothing on my shoulders, thanks for the SeV's weight distribution net. Add their ingenious Personal Area Network to that. The only problem I had is that it takes several days after the trip to find and fish out all of the stuff you hid in all these pockets... Oh, and I had been delaying the line to the Stratosphere tower overlook in Las Vegas once, as they've decided to search me when I've been wearing the SeV Fleece and didn't pass the metal detector, having all 20 pockets stuffed with various survival kits and other travel bits

Took me about 10 minutes to unload everything and pass the detector. Fortunately, I had also a collapsible nylon bag on me to just grab that pile afterwards not bothering to stuff it back right away

Just checked their new Revolution system. The older version seem to be more thoroughly thought out for practical aspects. The new one has some new neat features, but seem to incline to a "fancier looks" direction. E.g. the older version of the shell is longer and even have an overhang on the back, which allows to bend forward in the rain and keep the bottom dry.