Some 20 or more years ago, -I heard about a Young Man or Teen who had a Real Good Setup for Himself at the Bottom of an Elevator Shalf!

And Much More Recently, -Probably Less than a Year Ago, -I've heard of a Man who Lived in another Homeowner's Attic! This One was in Kansas. He had a Setup where he could Lift and Lower a Section of Shingles, -To Get In and Out.

The Elementary Mistake of Eating Too Much of the "Host" Family's Cereal, when they weren't around, -Did a Lot towards finally Doing him In! The "Host" Couldn't Help eventually Getting Suspicious and Noticing Something Odd Afoot!

The Attic Live-In also had a Door Blocked Closed, at a Wrong Time, when the Actual, More Conventional, Home Occupants *Were* Around!

His Good System and Setup, were Undone!, -By these Two Simple, Elementary, Mistakes!

Though it was at least Many Months, Perhaps More, -Before Anyone was the Wiser and Onto Him!

These Two Examples also Bring to Mind a Third General Example! And this has to do with those Ever So Rare, -but Ever So Masterful!, -"Master Imposters!" You Hear About Them on the News every once in a Great While!

Like that Guy a Few Years Ago in Arizona! Phoenix I Think. The Guy had Successfully Pulled Off so Many Different Aliases and Identities over Many Years! That even the Phoenix TV News Anchors, -Couldn't be Sure of his Veracity or Identity, -Even After the Matter Finally Broke! And That just over some Chance Fluke or Lucky Break.

A Lawman in the Jurisdiction, with the Reputation as One of the Tuffest Sheriffs in America, -Then Had Custody over him. At one point, this Sheriff Remarked, -"What if he were a Spy?!", -The Sheriff then Quickly Added!, -with a 2 + 2 = 4 Kind of Light Going Off in his Head, -"Maybe he *IS* a Spy!,..." Not that he Automatically was. But with a Master Imposter like that!, -You can See where this Sheriff was Coming From! And Can he Really be Blamed for Such?! For Having Such a Reasonable Suspicion? Of Course Not!, -I Think would be the Answer!

This was on One of those Prime Time News Type Programs, a Few Years Ago. (I Forget whether it was Prime Time, 20 / 20, or Another Similar Such Show.)

I Discomfortably and Disapprovingly Deplore some of the Conning and Crookery that Many of these Master Imposters Do!

While at the Same Time, -Having to Greatly Admire Them, -for Such a Masterful Skill of "Master Impostering" in Itself!, -that They've Got Down to an Art and a Science!

One can Differ with their "Morality" or "Ethics", -or Sometimes Lack Thereof, -Yet Marvel and Wonder at Just How They Do It!

They're an Exceedingly Rare Breed Indeed. In TEOTWAWKI or Other Times and Situations, -This Ability can Come In Handy! And is Quite a Skill!

(Though More Common Garden Variety Identity Theft and Such, -Unfortunately Isn't so Rare).

I once Enjoyably and Admirably Read About Another Master Imposter, -I Think This One may have been from the 1800s. This Guy Successfully Pulled Off Being a Ship Captain, a Doctor, and Maybe a Dozen Things Else! All by just Having the Gift of Being Able to Convincingly Pass Himself Off as Such! What a Free, Independent, Adventurous, Way to Live! Though it can Certainly Have it's "Fugitive" Type Aspects, Too!

Again, -I Utterly Oppose Identity Theft and Other Conmanship! I Do Not Approve of where even a Master Impostor's Actions, -Crosses that Line!

But Master Impostership in Itself!, is Quite a Skill! And One thats Worthy of a Certain Marveling At, and Admiration Of, in Itself!

Beyond it's Self Evident Skill, -I Acknowledge that some such People may be Basically "Low Rats", and that Sometimes there may be Little to No Nobility About it! Still, Not Always. And a Skill or Talent is a Skill or Talent!

I Had been Thinking of Someday Addressing this in a Post of it's Own, -Around Our Campfire. -"Master Imposters". Its now so Happened to Have Come Up here in this One.

Back to Kansas and the Elevator / Lift now. Such People too Create Interesting, and Very Admirable Shelter and Survival Setups! From Time to Time. You Hear About Them every Once in a Wowl too. Often there are some Good Lessons to be Learned from Such Examples as Well. Of What *To* Do. And Often also, -of What *Not* to Do! (Like Eating Too Much of the Family's Cereal!)

Which also Brings to Mind what I'll Call, "Homeless Survival Techniques". A Good Survival Guide can be Culled Together Out of just That! That Collected Survival Knowledge and Wisdom Gained by Such Community by now!

There's a Lot about Survival Many of Them Utterly Don't Know! Of Standard, Classic Survival and Such. Even Among some of their Best Survivors. To say Nothing of Those Not so Oriented or Inclined. I'm Not saying that they typically Know Everything Across the Survival Board. Many Don't Know So by Quite a Long Shot!

Like the Fact that some (Who Can Hike), -Shud Get the Heck Out of the Cold Climes! (Hike South in Summer!), -and Head to the Sunbelt South and West! Such a One may Still be Homeless. If Still Down on their Luck, Unable to Find Help, a Job, and So On. But Better to be so in Tampa, Brownsville, or San Diego! Than in Duluth, Denver, or Detroit!

But Even So, -Many of the Homeless Know a Good Survival Thing or Two or Three.....!, -That even we Don't Readily Know! Many of Them have Come Up with some Pretty Ingenious Survival Techniques, Along their Way!

I Do Feel for Them. And I Know that Many of Them Aren't Exactly Angels. The Root Causes of, and Solutions to Homelessness, are Beyond me right now, as well as being Beyond the Scope of this Post.

But as to Pure Survival Techniques and Knowledge that Many of Them Have Come Up With!, -They've Got some Really Good Ones! Of Which we and Others can Do some Learning From!

This is Just One Other Area of Survival Knowledge Out There in the Society, -Which One may Not Immeadiately or Readily Expect. Which Goes Beyond Only our Basic, Standard, or Classic Survival.

There are Others too, -within the Vast Spread of Life, as a Whole! Keep an Eye and Ear Tuned for Them! As They may happen to Come Along!

I was Thinking of someday doing a Post titled "Homeless Survival Techniques". Here too, I've now in Effect Done so.

Whether it be a Couple in a Wooded Park, a Guy at the Obscure Bottom Portions of an Elevator, a Master Impostor, an Ingenious Homeless Survival Technique, or a Guy Living Unbeknowngst in a Kansas Attic!, - Man, -Faced with the Need and Imperative of Survival! -Can and Does Often Come Up with some Mighty Creative, Good Ones! Often there are Some Real and Good Lessons to be Learned from Such!

When you Occassionally Hear of Such, -Try Not to Let such Lessons and the Like, -Just Pass you On By! Survey Them, and Learn What They may Have to Offer!

PS, -I've just Got Done Watching a PBS Program on the Johnstown Flood, -Which has Kinda Inspired and Redoubled my Desire!, to Become Something of a Knowledgeable Buff, on That!

The Way They over Time just Pobbled that Dam Together!, and So Raising Tremendously the Level of that Lake! The Drenching Spell of Incessant Rain! The Complacency of the Town! How our Pennsylvania Appalachians Hemmed the Place In! It All Came Together!, -As One Great Recipe for Disaster!.......!

Another PS, -Next Day now. (Within this Edit Window). I've just Clikked on the Link and Read the "Out of the Woods" Story. Two Thots Coming to Mind are,

1). In some Respects, -Too Bad they Didn't Remain Undiscovered, and Thus Able to Stay! In Many Ways, They had Quite a Good Thing Going! But of course, in that They *were* able to get More Conventional Shelter and a Job out of it, -Their Being Discovered has happened to have Worked Out Better for Them, in Other Ways too.

And my Other Immeadiate Thought, -2). -Is that a Set of World Books can certainly be Mighty Heavy! Of course the Article says that They had only a Few Volumes. But Still, -Even those can be Heavy to Carry Around! Heck though, -If you Find some around Town, or at the Goodwill, -and Walk Back Two Miles with Them, -What the Heck!, God Bless You! No Mean Feat! A Whole Set now *Would* have been a Feat!

Which Reminds me, -National Geographics are as Heavy as Heck! And are a Real Son of a Gun!, -to be Lugging Around!

Both They and the World Book, *Are* Enjoyable and a Great Self Educational Resource! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]grommit[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (05/22/04 05:09 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.