BLAST - I liked your list. There are a lot of good thoughts there.
Back to the OP ...
Everyone can talk about "WWIII" until it becomes Mission Impossible.
I don't think you can worry about things that much. It might never happen. If you try to achieve a self-sustaining lifestyle, you are probably in the best position. This can be done in a lot of places.
And then quit worrying about it.
One thing that is a constructive suggestion. I have discovered that the amount of bureaucracy that is happening with a countries is increasing - longer delays for visas, added expenses, new rules that charge more fees for entry into countries, or immigration procedures. So if you plan to relocate to another country - DO IT SOON !!! This is only going to get worse and worse.
Likewise, I wouldn't be surprised to see local communities in the USA who are increasing the fees for building, or making it more difficult to buy land. It always boils down to MONEY. Everybody wants more money.
Therefore, if you plan to "homestead" anywhere ... it's time to get moving. Don't delay.
Good luck!
Edited by Pete (11/22/15 09:24 PM)