You'll want to get some potassium iodide.

The next "World War" -- major powers invading other major powers' territories -- would eventually go nuclear. Doubtful it would be the economic boon to the U.S. that World War II (1939-45) was (the "Great Depression" officially ended in 1943).

Nations with nukes: U.S., Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel.

In the early 1980s, at the height of the Cold War nuclear hysteria (witness the 1983 ABC miniseries: "The Day After" and the equally depressing 1983's "Testament"), southwestern Oregon and northwestern California were believed to be the safest places to live in the continental U.S. -- lack of prime targets and favorable prevailing winds.

So if the "winds of war" on a world-wide scale pick up, think I'll be flying out to my home state of Oregon for an extended vacation -- stopping by Costco for a couple years worth of freeze-dried food which I'll store in my sister's weekend home which is near a river with good fishing and trees I can use to craft the anti-zombie barricades that Morgan utilized so effectively on The Walking Dead.

Shelter - water - food - meds - security. Survival priorities never change. Well, unless there are nukes, of course. Here's the link to potassium iodide information from the CDC:
