4. A thriving black market would appear. - Learn to haggle now. Develop a skill that is haggle-able rather than storing stuff for the end of the world. Fixing/mending/jury-rigging/sewing is a good skill.
9. The ability to keep yourself, your clothes, your dishes, etc may be greatly impacted. - Learn basic hygiene (making soap or utilizing sapon-rich plants, how to hand-wash clothes, reusable menstrual devices, etc.)
It sounds like pre-industrial revolution skills mixed with modern shade-tree handyman skills, wilderness first aid, etc may become marketable asset. How to hand sew and tailor shoe repair, medicinal plants, electronics repair, soap making, teaching, entertainment, basic machine repair (bicycles, appliances), etc. There will also be a thriving black market in makeshift and smuggled weapons, smuggled medicines, and forged documents, but surviving long enough in that industry to retire may be problematic.
It goes without saying that being able to bug-out on short notice (as in the first thump of a mortar) is going to be valuable.