"Unless we get word from a credible source to go to a specific place, we're bugging in. Here is where all of are supplies are."

Jeanette ... I think it all depends on what you are preparing for. If you are anticipating a crisis that lasts for a few months, and you think that supplies will eventually reach your town (or city) - then "bugging in" might be a good option. It's probably a lot better than randomly taking to the roads. You do need to have a LOT of confidence in your neighbors. And I believe that Sheriff Blast made a good point when he said ... friends will let you down.

But a true WWIII would probably throw civilization back into the stone age. Therefore, unless you have a supply of fresh water (a river) and some land where you can grow food ... your long-term prospects are not so good.

The preppers who are actually acquiring good land in distant parts of the world ... that strategy makes a lot of sense to me. I will be doing exactly the same thing in 2016.

good luck to you!
