If you google "flaking a rope" you will find that thwe procedure is used by both sailors and rock climbers to keep coils of rope untangled and ready for instant access. Here is a way to do the same with paracord so that the whole length is readily available. You will use the "Figure eight" loom described here
http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=277200&page=4 post # 277292
Leaving a 6" or so long tail wrap cord a couple of times around tie off point and bring cord to right up side A.
Bring cord to left crossing over to side A.
Bring cord to right up side B (do
NOT cross over).
Now bring cord to left over to side B.
Continue in this manner - straight going from left to right and crossing over going from right to left.
When loom is full remove loops from right hand peg.
Grab the cords one hand at 1 and the other at 2 and gently pull apart - this will separate the cords at left hand peg.
Fold the bundle in half and wrap the tag end around and secure with half hitch.
To access cord undo the wrapping, hold the tag end and drop or toss the bundle into a empty (cat free) area