In tne past few weeks I have tried many ways of storing paracord from the "Tamale" the first post in this thread.
This works best when tied around palm of hand with thinner cord. Holds a lot. With heavier cord tying around a board is do-able but a bit awkward.
javascript: void(0)The Daisy Chain Circle - #277255 . This holds a lot of paracord in a comopact bundle but takes a LONG time to set up.
Also called the "Paracord Doughnut" see for how to - much neater than my circle.
In my (very) humble opinion the "Figure-Eight" set-up is the best method. It is easy make and easy to deploy the cord as desired.
I made a loom by drilling peg size holes in a piece of scrap lumber and placing a tie off (eye screw) a few inches away from the first hole. Board extends another few inches to right with another hole.

One peg goes in the first hole. By changing the position of the other peg I can adjust the size of the Figure -Eight.

You can keep the loops on the loom when tying off the Working End. To deploy just pull on the end that was tied onto the eye screw.