Agree that coal is cheap, easy and safe to store, and contains a lot of energy.

As you mention the present low price, I presume that you are considering purchase rather than scavenging ?

Here in the UK "smokeless fuel" is widely sold, this is coal that has been treated to remove most of the volatiles and thus allow it to burn with very little smoke.

Most woodburning stoves will burn this fuel with fair success and it is also excellent with a forced draft for blacksmithing work in a forge.

In any serious emergency, smoke from a fire or stove might attract most unwelcome attention. Smokeless fuel is preferable to real coal in this respect.

It harder to ignite than real coal, ensure that you have plenty of kindling or manufactured fire lighters.

If smokeless fuel is available affordably in your district then I would buy some.
In the UK it is sold in sacks each holding 25KG, often packed 40 sacks to a pallet for a metric ton of fuel.