Originally Posted By: benjammin
Europe, Asia, and Africa are far too inhospitable, both politically and naturally, for my tastes. Europe feels sort of used up and gentrified. Asia is just too crowded and overgrown, and Africa is just plain hostile. Parts of South America would work I suppose, but I have no real experience to contemplate.

Hmm, I can't really think of all that many inhospitable places in Europe. And Asia being crowded... Heck, Mongolia and Siberia would be just about perfect for anyone trying to get away from civilization. But anyway, to each his own.

As cliche as it may sound, Provence may be closer to the ideal place than anywhere else I've been so far. Or Portugal, the countryside is fantastic. Beautiful nature, pretty relaxed and easygoing (in a good way) all around. Maybe not the ultimate choice for a gun nut. Then again, not the kind of place where you'd need a gun for anything other than personal amusement.