Having traveled far and wide, I have found the ideal place for me. Alaska meets my criteria for individual freedoms, lack of poisonous/dangerous vermin, abundant resources, favorable weather, and minimal population. Anchorage was a bit crowded for me, but where I am now is about as good as it gets. Sure, the state govt has it's personally undesirable slants, but fortunately they don't affect me significantly yet. Time will tell, as it did in Washington.

I could go for Queensland AU, except for the snakes and spiders, and the 45%+ income tax rate. The area around Reno NV would be good, except for the proximity to California and the overflow of their influence in the area. Walla Walla was pretty nice, but again, the political philosophy of the area is wanting, and they too have snakes and spiders I've had run-ins with.

Europe, Asia, and Africa are far too inhospitable, both politically and naturally, for my tastes. Europe feels sort of used up and gentrified. Asia is just too crowded and overgrown, and Africa is just plain hostile. Parts of South America would work I suppose, but I have no real experience to contemplate.

I am happy with where I am for the moment. I don't need any panacea remedies or qualifiers to enjoy life here, so until the big one hits, this is as good as it gets in my humble opinion. I could make a list, and even started one on this thread. But not so sure it is a good idea to advertise what I don't want to share.

Edited by benjammin (10/12/15 07:31 PM)
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)