Originally Posted By: chaosmagnet
My kits are different from the American style kits. I'm from Europe and trained using more basic medical supplies (I have had basic first aid and wilderness first aid training). Far less medication and heavy trauma things.

First aid kits come in such a wide variety I'm not sure I know what an American style kit is. I wouldn't be carrying trauma gear if I wasn't trained to use it.

I noticed American first aid kits have far more heavy trauma items and far more wipes and pills then european ones.

Trauma bandages and tourniquets are pretty rare here. They aren't even on all ambulance's.

I agree on non carrying trauma gear bandages if you are not trained to use them. Wrong gear, combined with a lack of skill can cause more damage.

It's sometimes nice to know which country has which kind of items. First aid training differs and so do the first aid items. So I know in which country to visit the pharmacy to get certain items.