I've had better luck with the older Diamond and Firechief strike anywhere brands. The Diamond's striking head seems to be slightly larger than the others. In a extreme situation I want all the odds on my side. It's getting hard to find the older Diamond brand. They have been replaced by the "new and improved" and are blue know. I bought one box and will not buy another. If you have them in your area just buy a box and compare. You'll see what I mean. After reading Chris reply about the Canadian brand I would like to find some for a test. Take 10 to 12 matches and tie them together with dental floss in a round bundle. Dip them repeatably in hot wax that has started to cool a bit to coat the entire bundle. You can light the whole bundle on a rock or anything suitable, or break them apart and use a single. They are a self contained fire starter and work extremely well. They are called firebugs.