Tom L, you make some excellent points. However, analysis of "real" survival situations typically highlights the overwhelming importance of the intangible "will to survive."

The most vivid example of this WTS is this example from 19th century Arizona along a desert trail known s the Jornada del Muerto, for some obscure reason:

A prospector traveled 150 miles in temps reaching 120F, losing 25% of his body weight and crawled the last eight miles completely naked. He didn't bleed from his wounds until significantly hydrated. He did everything wrong but did have significant WTS.

I submit that a sat phone and the knowledge that you BP will be checked soon (hopefully by a beautiful/handsome EMT) kind of warps the WTS factor. You are correct that we are not trying for a "true" survival situation in Alone, thank heaven. At least,not yet. Don't give the producers any ideas.

I am pretty sure you are correct that few, if any, of us have deliberately gone into nature, underprepared, intending to stay for a long time. Why should we?

Many of us have gone out to face palpable challenges - reaching a summit by a tricky route, running a river, doing science of one sort or another, responding to a SAR request, and so forth. Plenty of opportunity for unexpected adventure and for real survival conditions. I have enough war stories to illustrate the point. The prudent person selects versatile gear that will help if survival rears its ugly head.

The other factor involved in successful survival is knowledge of the country and its resources. I would do better in the desert than many, but I would face a learning curve in the PNW or in any jungle. I would almost welcome survival on the California Channel Islands, my most recent stomping grounds - plentiful natural shelters, lots of sea food in the tide pools, and plentiful edible plants (once you have learned what to look for). If you don't bone up on unfamiliar territory, you are asking for trouble.

I think it amusing that apparently one of the prohibited items was a map - a pivotal and essential survival item (probably more important than a knife) and an item that would have gone a long ways to easing their situation. How artificial can you get?
Geezer in Chief