Originally Posted By: Tjin
These tools are way too small to work well, don't really consider them to be usefull in a emergency either.

My experience has been different. My LM Style PS has made it through TSA screening hundreds of times and has saved the day repeatedly for small jobs.
  • Beard trimmer guide failed morning before important meeting -- using the little pliers and a paperclip, fashioned a temporary repair that allowed me to trim my beard before the meeting and not look like a hobo
  • I used the tiny scissors to score and cut packaging material in the parking lot outside a shipping location to get box ready to ship
  • The little pliers have been effective many times in customer datacenters to hold or grab things that my fingers weren't adequate for
  • Many times I've used it to open packages more effectively than a car key
  • Even the screwdriver, which is definitely not its best tool has been useful in customer datacenters
  • Opening beer bottles