A Day or Two after First Posting this, -I Heard that Cincinnatti was Crawling with These! So Far my Own Area, perhaps 300 Miles Up the Ohio River from Cincy, -Remains Quiet.
I recently Heard that DC was Primed for their Emergence En Masse as Well! What of It?! What may be the Status?
So my Question is, -What is the Status of These in Other Given Areas of the U.S. East and Northeast? Or as in my case So Far, -Non-Status?
At Least Some were Present here the Last Time, back in 1987. And I Remember Finding a Carcass, -Back in the Early 70s. So its Not like my particular Area of the Northeast is somehow Immune to them!
Yet the Present 17 Year Outbreak, Seems Not to Have Yet Occurred around here!
(Then Again, -I Havn't been Back Out to my Old Country Roots Lately! "Take me Home Country Road!, to the Place, I Belong!,....Washington County!....." And "Thank God I'm a Country Boy!" "You Can Take the Boy Out of the Country, -But you Can't Take the Country Out of the Boy!" And also Three Dog Night's "Out In the Country!", or to Vary Chicago's Song "Take me Back to Chicago!", to a "Take me Back!, to the Country!,.....")
I Think I've Seen some Cicadas in Other Years as Well, -Perhaps from the 13 Year Species.
One Buzzed and Carried On like Heck! -When Put Before the Mouth of an Empty Iced Tea Carton. It Soon Occurred to me, -That it Probably Took that for a Predator's Mouth! No Dang Wonder!, that It Buzzedly Protested So! I Wouldn't be Surprised if This were the Case!
So What may be the Status of our 17 Year Cicada Outbreak, -of Brood X / 10, -here in the (North) American East?!
What may any of You, Be Experiencing, -or Not Experiencing of Them, -Over in Your Part of the Country?! If Indeed you be Within Cicada Country.
I Know it Depends on Soil Temperature, -but I Think my Area's Soil has Warmed Up at Least that Much by now!
-Where Are My Cicadas!?- <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> And Where are Your Cicadas as Well?! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.