Just a quick comment. But possibly there are people on this forum who have direct EXPERIENCE with work in cholera-related disasters.
There is a cholera vaccine that you can get, if you are a health worker or an emergency worker. From memory, the vaccine is only partly effective. It does not give full protection. It is WORTH getting the cholera shot, if you are in a high-risk area.
Your main safety steps against the disease are to use disposable gloves, and throw-away garments when you are treating people who might have cholera. Make sure your gloves, and your clothes are properly disposed of ... for example by burning. A good choice for protection would be a throw-away smock or an apron, and some old shoes that you don't mind losing. ALSO, make sure to wash up your skin with a good germicidal soap after any volunteer services.
Don't over-dramatise the illness. You WON'T get cholera if you are simply CAREFUL about basic things, like maintaining simple isolation and washing your hands. AND of course the obvious .. make sure that you have your own independent supply of clean drinking water. PROTECT your water bottle!
Edited by Pete (05/07/15 02:22 PM)