Well, where I am at it is a bit cold and barren, except for the industrial look of the various facilities that are up there. In the summertime there are waterfowl in all the little ponds around the site, and crows are more plentiful. The mosquitoes are obnoxious. But the air is always cool, even in summer time. That's what I've got from where I am. The Sag River runs near where I work and live up there, but it is a bit weird as there's not much vegetation along the shoreline, not like I am used to seeing in other places. No trees.

Thanks for the understanding on my ignorance. I heard that Conoco is bringing up two more drill rigs to complement what they already have at Kuparuk, but I haven't been able to verify that yet. That would seem to corroborate the notion that they are trying to increase production, but who can say? I'm going to make some hard inquiries when I get back up there next Monday and see if I can learn something more about what is going on.

As with all bureaucracies, they have such wonderful ways of making things complicated. It doesn't seem to get better with time either.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)