Originally Posted By: hikermor

For a fire, we have a checklist of critical items - financial records, family photos, computers and the like to be loaded in the vehicles. In response to active fires on the nearby hillside, we have loaded up twice (in twenty years of occupancy), so we have the drill down fairly well. The brush is flourishing, so I expect another fairly soon.

Same here. I just did the first major revision on the evacuation checklist/procedure in about three years last week. The checklist is organized by priority, location, responsibility, and "functional group" which is who/whoem the item is for.

In addition to the usual stuff, there's lists of friends and family who could take us in, pet friendly hotels, previous evacuation sites that took pets, maps of alternate routes around chokepoints, etc. Stuff that may be needed during the evacuation, but you may not have time to look up. I'd like to say the list has had a trial run, but I'm the only one who seems to care that we're only a 1/4 mile from the brush. And, the last evacuation was before the kids and still took 2.5 hours to load up.

Edited by Mark_R (03/14/15 07:56 AM)
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane