Jerry -- EQ's happen all the time, but unless you live in a high-rise, bugging out is a remote need. Even if the "big one" hits, why bug-out after the damage is done? Second, if I needed to bug out but couldn't take the truck, where am I going to go on foot that's outside the EQ zone? I've got LA to the north which is usually hit harder and the great desert southwest to the east. Mexico? Nowhere to go. So my plan is to bug-in and set-up camp out back.

Maybe later I'll get a small sail-boat that's capable of blue-water, but that's a dream for now.

BTW, the other issue here is wildfires. For those the drill is pack the truck at first sign the local area may be threatened. Then wait for it to commit to a direction. The wait can be a few days to a week. If needed, I drive out of the threatened area and get a hotel room or just hang out until there's an all clear. Haven't had to leave yet, but the truck always gets packed.