
As long as you have something bright and unnatural to show when you want to be found. Obviously even camo has it's place, but even military folks generally have some sort of glaringly bright aircraft recognition panel they can display when they need to be seen.

Light blue might be OK, but don't assume even somewhat darker blue is all that visible. This became clear to me a few years back when I was doing some geo field work in the northern Brooks Range foothills. We were working in two separate teams of two, and late one day my partner and I were flying back to pick up the other two guys. We knew exactly where the other guys were (where we had dropped them on a wide open gravel bar, and we also had a GPS location). The weather was good, high overcast with an occasional very light sprinkle of rain.

I was sitting in the front seat of the Long Ranger next to the pilot. We all wore bright orange field vests, and as we flew straight towards the pick up spot I could see one orange vest from literally miles away. For some reason I couldn't spot the other guy??? We got closer and closer, but I still could only see one orange vest?? I was astonished how close we got before I realized the two guys were standing side by side! The difference was that one guy had put on a blue rain jacket over his orange field vest. It was amazing how well that blue jacket blended in to the surrounding gravel bar!

While not all my clothing and gear is in bright colors, I always carry something really visible. And if I am going alone (which I sometimes do), I try to actually be wearing something really bright and visible. That way if I get knocked on the head, there might still be a chance of finding me.

Edited by AKSAR (03/09/15 03:14 PM)
Edit Reason: clarity
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz