Originally Posted By: AKSAR
Regarding gear, we once lost a perfectly good set of trekking poles ( dark colored). My wife had collapsed them to the storage size when we got down onto an easy trail, and was carrying them in her hands. At one of our rest stops at a nice grassy spot we sat down and she laid them on the ground, while we had a snack. When we got up to move on she forgot to pick them up, and we walked several miles before we realized we did't have them. Since then I've marked most dark or small items with bright orange tape or cord etc. It makes it much easier to spot them with a quick scan around the area when you move on.

I left a hiking stick on a trail in the BWCA. It had my address on it, and some good samaritan mailed it to me a few weeks later. The hiking stick was more expensive than my labeler, so that paid for the labeler right there.
- Benton