Good kit, made me think about my aviation survival vest which is no longer being used. The vest is based on a Switlik modular aviation flotation vest. It is heavy on signaling gear (ACR ResQLink PLB, strobes, mirrors, flashlight, chem lights and laser flare), small AMK FAK, Spyderco Atlantic Salt folding knife and a Marine VHF radio for Ch.16. I fully expected the USCG helo to be alerted before I activated my PLB; the plane had an ELT so mine was redundant until the airplane sank -- which I expect would have happened if it floated at all.
Since I've stopped flying, I'll probably adapt the kit to be more useful in a land/shore type scenario. Keep all of the signaling gear, trade the radio and wasted space in that pocket for gear similar to that in BruceZed's kit (not all, but some). Maybe add a small nylon tarp and more para-cord. I won't need to have a saltwater proof kit and won't need a knife designed with saltwater in mind which means there are lots of good knives available. Definitely add a fire kit. Radio goes back in the box.