There's an explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRFz8merXEA. Briefly, the data is from weather stations, which are only interested in short-term predictions. Hence they didn't bother to recalibrate when they upgraded their instruments. The raw data should not be used for long-range climate predictions. It needs to be adjusted; in effect, to calibrate it retrospectively. There's no deception or fraud going on here.

The video demonstrates nicely how the Human Global Warming proponents beliefs have become almost a religious belief. Retrospectively temperature increase bias re calibration on temperature data sets always under the assumption that 'Its got to be wrong, it can't be getting cooler, its got to be getting warmer, there's HGW' laugh

Are any of the other urban Weather Stations adjusted downwards (cooler) for heat island effects that have built up around those weather stations over time? I suspect not!

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (02/09/15 02:43 PM)