For those who are unfamiliar with the active shooter problem, a key is to realize that most active shooters fold very quickly once they receive tactical pressure of even the mildest sort. Remember that these guys are typically emotionally crippled and poorly trained. They are relying on having a field of unarmed, panicking victims who won't resist.

Don't buy in to the seemingly reasonable thinking that one must be a heavily armed and impeccable marksman to survive clashing with the typical American active shooter. The record shows that more often than not, once the active shooter recognizes armed resistance he either barricades or kills himself.

Advocacy redacted.

Granted, the trained and dedicated types a la the killers at Charlie Hebdo or Mumbai are a distinctly different kettle of fish. However, with those crews if you're not victorious its a choice of dying on your knees or dying on your feet; they're not going to be merciful.

Edited by chaosmagnet (01/23/15 06:07 AM)
Edit Reason: Moderated per earlier post.