Here's an interesting link that identifies proportionality of output between human generated and naturally generated CO2.

Skeptical Science debunked

Note that this is a site predicated on humans causing global warming. Based on the numbers provided, it would appear humans contribute less than 4% of the total output annually to the carbon emissions cycle. The author then goes on to make some claims that are not based on fact, but on assumptions and incomplete conclusions. Maybe these conclusions are correct, but there is no empirical link between the data provided and the author's assertion that the ~4% is the cause. His conjecture makes for a good arguing point, but is itself incomplete. While I won't disagree with his facts, I have doubts that what is happening is solely man's fault, and I would consider a 4% bias to be within the variability of naturally occurring emission cycles.

In any case, my point remains; this problem, if it is one, is not nearly so impending as a whole plethora of other, much more pressing concerns, all considerably more tangible. Whether the climate is getting warmer, or colder, or simply modulating, it is not worth the effort to continue to worry about it and try to impose reckless and ineffective regulatory policies that will only contribute to the hardships we as a nation are already struggling to contend with.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)