You know what, Benjamin, I can totally relate to and at least partly agree with most of what you say. But this part here is wrong:

Originally Posted By: benjammin
Not a question of physics at all, more a question of proportion. Man-made CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses for that matter) is insignificant compared to the quantities generated by natural activity.

Actually, it's all about physics and energy budget. Meddling with one of the components of our beloved greenhouse effect does impact the energy budget, raising temperatures at the ground, ocean and lower atmosphere. The effects of antropogenic CO2 are NOT insignificant.

Who said antropogenic CO2 was "unnatural", by the way? It's natural as heck. It has just been conveniently stacked away by geology for millions and millions of years.

Originally Posted By: benjammin

I see, bad moon a risin'. I see, trouble on the way.

So do I.